Set up Email/DNS records (DKIM, SPF, DMARC)


You may have come accross some of your emails that bounce. The (authentication error) is something of this type: Error message This mail has been blocked because the sender is unauthenticated. Gmail requires all senders to authenticate with either SPF or DKIM. Αthentication results: DKIM = did not pass SPF [domain name] with ip: [IP … Read more

Website speed myths

website speed myths

People tend to give more credit to website speed than merited and attribute to it properties and powers it doesn’t have. Examples: Indexation People think that part of (or all of) their indexation issues are caused by the low website speed when the truth is, that their SEO team is underperforming dramatically.     Higher … Read more

Migration issues

website migration

My latest WP Migration projects were: 3 WP sites (built with Elementor, and WP Bakery, 2 of which nested into the 3rd WP -main domain-).Additionally, I’ve transferred a British Woocommerce website amounting to 32GB of data.There’s no limit to the website size that I can transfer. Issues you might encounter during a website migration:1. SSL … Read more

How to clear the Cache on Cloudways

Cloudways cache

WordPress Object Caching is the process of saving query results of the database, so when a new request is generated, it is served from the cache memory to accelerate the completion of the request. WordPress is a Content Management System; hence, it relies extensively on a database. It means that your application database must be … Read more

How to Block Bot Traffic

Have you ever gone through your server logs and discovered those aggressive spiders that your servers at crazy request rates?Here is a quick list of known bots to be inserted into robots.txt User-agent: AhrefsBot Disallow: / User-agent: BLEXBot Disallow: / User-agent: Ezooms Disallow: / User-agent: MJ12bot Disallow: / User-agent: Majestic-12 Disallow: / User-agent: Majestic-SEO Disallow: … Read more

Server out of space

server disk out of space

The website is using a lot of space on the server. The total disk usage of the server is 132G out of the 150GB disk limit. If you have access to a server terminal you may run df -i -h to check the directory (inodes) structure and how space is allocated. The number of inodes … Read more

Loopback or REST API Request error

A typical message created from the server and sent to a WP owner: – – – REST API encountered an error The REST API is one way Wordpress, and other applications, communicate with the server. One example is the block editor screen, which relies on this to display, and save, your posts and pages. The … Read more

502 server error (Bad Gateway)

bad gateway error 502

Bad Gateway errors originate always on the server, and contrary to the info you will find online, there’s nothing wrong with your website, your browser cache or cookies. For example, WP Engine runs a useless script (for webmasters) on its servers, called “Process killer” that steps in to cut any script running for 60 or … Read more

Ubuntu not Detecting WiFi Adapter (Solved)

Ubuntu not Detecting WiFi Adapter

Easy solution that worked for me after numerous attempts to make my wifi adapter work in Ubuntu. You may follow the steps below and adopt my reliable solution if you prefer not to spend all your time looking for another solution. If your adapter is not recognized be prepared to spend enough time digging into … Read more