Why DIY Website Optimization Can Lead to Disaster

I was reading today a speed optimization job post from a clueless guy in Pakistan who’s the webmaster or most likely the mediator for a website. Sadly, that website is built with WP Bakery and the mediator wasn’t sure how he could do the most damage possible to his client. Specifically, he wanted to optimize the website and pass all core web vitals but only on his terms, using no caching plugin, as if that is even possible or an option for that website. Well, the answer is yes it’s possible. Would he be willing to remove all plugins, disable all the JS from the theme, meaning no mobile menus, no tracking pixels, and rebuild all WP bakery pages with the WP editor? Is that enough damage yet? I’m not writing that with a light heart. I have done the manual work, tested a lot, and concluded it’s not worth it. Even if you do it manually, meaning collect and merge all files CSS and JS from the theme and plugins, what provision will you take when one or more plugins update once a month? I know, the answer could be, “Just do it automatically, programmatically”. Well, that’s exactly where caching plugins come in handy. They do all the heavy lifting and have failsafe ways to refresh the resources they manage when they get updated so the speed won’t be broken.

Let a pro handle the details

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I forgot to mention that he may have to disable some CSS files coming from the theme and permanently change the looks. Do you find his request genius or dumb, impulsive, and unthoughtful? I find it all three and more, definitely the work of a clueless mind. When amateurs get involved in technical aspects they can bring all systems down. When they believe they have a say as to what needs to be done all havoc breaks loose. When you’re ready to hate something you must know the reasons that you hate it and what are the alternatives. For example, I hate the Windows OS for decades now, since Windows version 3.3 (1994), which was considered one of the stablest, I did like a lot the Windows NT version though. The following version (Windows 95) introduced a new graphical UI and dozens of bugs (though, not related to the UI). I hate Windows for unlimited reasons and with that in mind, I  have found and have been using the ultimate replacement (a Linux OS, Ubuntu). I know it’s not for everybody because it requires investing some time (steep learning curve) to learn it. Only then you will understand the power behind it and what you’ve been missing all those years spending your life on crappy, patented systems, waiting for them to update without breaking, installing a driver, defragging the hard drive, paying for software licenses, and breaking the law if you don’t, etc.   Image by upklyak on Freepik