Your IoT company in the Google Top 10

The first stage of working with a business is to run a Technical SEO Audit to identify strengths, weaknesses, and growth opportunities.

I present here a sanitized version of the audit having removed sensitive business data. It reflects how the IoT website was before starting the SEO works.

Read how they perform on the most critical incoming traffic channels and some of the fixes I could keep in this sanitized version of the audit.

Let’s see what the findings are. Does the IoT website have enough traffic and are there issues to address?


The company (name not disclosed) is a start-up with ten employees located somewhere in the States and was founded two years ago. Its industry is the Software as a Service (SaaS). The company offers cloud services and connectivity products for the Internet of Things (IoT). They advertise that their products help users connect, manage, and control devices and services on a global or local scale.

The mission of the IoT Startup

They offer 3 main products or services:

  1. SIM cards that follow a Pay-As-You-Grow pricing model
  2. IoT software solutions
  3. Network components

Target Audiences / Customer Segments

The business focus is B2B with customers spanning over 40 countries. Here are some customer segments:

  • Companies using IoT connectivity services i.e. cloud services or buy licenses for connectivity software.
  • Companies using hardware products i.e. network components.
  • Resellers of their Pay-As-You-Grow SIM cards to their customers.
  • Resellers of all products/services mentioned in previous pointers 1-2.

Business Goals / Targets / Important KPIs

What does this business need to grow its revenue? What are the main KPIs?

  1. Increase online leads (a % of them will sooner or later convert into customers).
  2. Generate more sales (New Customer Acquisition). Leads p.1 help to increase the client base.
  3. Keep the customers (Customer Retention).

Τactics They Currently Employ

Let’s take a look at the current status of their online marketing. This view will not include networking, traditional PR, display, or other off-line marketing.

  • Releasing company news (PR) and publishing on industry sites. Good point.
  • Regularly blog posting explaining the services and promoting new products. Good point.

Conclusion: PR is helping with raising brand awareness. Blog posting creates engagement, shows that the business is interested in helping the customers know more about their products/services before they buy, and raises consumer trust.

But there are little gains from the content marketing effort as not integrated to a marketing plan.

Studying the needs of the customers will guide into building a content marketing plan with performance tracking.

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How Efficient They Are on Social Networks

  1. What are the Social Networks they use?
  2. How big is the follower base? Do they monitor their followers and have insights on the demographics/behavior?
  3. How optimized is their content for each audience segment?
  4. What is the performance of each social media/network?
  5. Do social readers interact with the posts?
  6. Do social readers visit the landing pages?
  7. Do website visitors convert?
  8. What are the channels that drive more conversions?
  9. What is the Cost-Per-Conversion or Registration (CPR) for each network?

Here is the data: Only Facebook shows little traction; the other networks don’t show much data.

– Facebook: 25 followers, not regular posts.

– Twitter: 246 followers but not frequent tweets.

– LinkedIn: 530 company followers but no frequent updates.

– YouTube: 1 video posted, 16 subscribers to the channel.

IoT social signals

Conclusion: There are not any gains from using the social media channels.

Suggestion: The business needs to study its audiences, i.e., behavior, networks they live online, and what the competitors are doing. Then plan outreach actions with accurate tracking in place to test the performance of each social network and decide the next steps.

Traffic Data

  • Search traffic (both channels): 58%.
  • Direct (Typed) traffic: 42%.
  • Social channels: 0% (confirms our earlier point, needs to grow).
  • Referral traffic: 0% (needs to grow).
IoT traffic data

Page views from all channels are not performing well. There is no MoM growth; traffic looks flat.

IoT traffic

Unique Visits, similar trends with Page Views. No MoM growth, flat traffic line.

IoT organic traffic data

Average Visit Duration, last month of the report around 30 seconds (too low).

IoT average visits

Visitors leave the website thus increasing the Bounce Rate (negative signal to Google). Conversions are undoubtedly affected.

As the Avg. Visits are ~30 seconds; the Bounce Rate is too high >60%. Visitors seem to find no interest in the website content, and they drop off. Conversions will suffer.

IoT bounce rate

Suggestion: The website needs a content audit and conversion optimization.

The Paid channel looks like there is a lot of experimentation but overall the monthly paid performance is close to zero.

IoT paid traffic

Suggestion: Research for more opportunities, adopt the competition’s best practices and optimize bids for better placements.

Organic Search

Quality and Power metrics show normal development.


IoT search traffic
IoT organic traffic

There are no apparent issues with its link profile and no over-optimization of anchor texts.

Keyword Opportunities

The keyword volume is either too high (competitive) or too low (long-tail or low-traffic terms).

IoT Keyword Opportunities

Suggestion: Competition Research and Keyword mapping are needed to grow the organic traffic.

Organic Search Rankings

Their rankings are not the best for the keyword terms they wish to rank. Remember that their keywords were not high-volume either.

Organic Search


The website suffers in terms of traffic. It is not a single channel that’s performing badly. Their marketing plan is inefficient. To get online leads the business needs a marketing plan that offers a channel mix testing and tracking channel performance. Then working with only those channels that make sense because they deliver.

Namely, they need to optimize and grow in Organic and Paid Search and Social Media and maybe explore more traffic opportunities from other channels, i.e., Display Advertising, Affiliate marketing, etc.

Not all channels are delivering leads, but they are useful for raising brand awareness a KPI that is valuable to every startup business.

Industry News

— According to Gartner, a massive 21 billion connected devices are collecting data. Most of these Things are consumer devices, from smart speakers to watches to door locks. The rest are medical devices, engine sensors, industrial robots, and HVAC controllers. Almost every company now relies on IoT devices in one form or another. The critical nature of IoT medical devices raises the security stakes. IoT devices open new attack ways that software programmers are not prepared to deal with. Enterprises need to develop corporate-wide frameworks for IoT procurement, deployment, security, and monitoring to minimize that exposure.

 What is IoT?

The Internet of Things (IoT) is an umbrella term that encompasses all types of devices that connect to the Internet (most of them wirelessly) to perform a set of operations by sending and receiving data. Their applications are unlimited from home devices, to gadgets, to sensors and enterprise solutions. All those types of devices are continuously online with minimal or no human intervention. Their main goal is to share data. With data sharing, questions arise about lack of user privacy (read the story on thousands of Amazon employees listening to Alexa conversations), intrusion in personal life and medical history, lack of security, easing spying (the hilarious story where Strava heat map revealed secret military installations), etc. Proportionate to the IoT expansion in enterprises, questions arise about the reduction of human jobs and intrusion opportunities. WiFi systems add more security flaws to the system with more IPs online, and IoT devices are still immature. A new device type does not mean that it offers advanced security compared to older devices, as developers don’t learn from past experiences.

How Big is IoT?

There’s a lot of hype with reported device numbers. Gartner reports 21 billion, Priceonomics 50 billion. A jump from 21 to 50 billion is quite a leap. Actual numbers don’t matter as every device we use in our daily lives, economy, industry, health, transportation, education, fitness, and entertainment will eventually take part in IoT and we will use more of them. If you are wondering, yes, the Skynet from SciFi movies is making its first baby steps though it won’t be so dramatic and exaggerated as in the pictures.

How does the IoT work?

From simple to sophisticated devices, all are connected to the internet, gather and share data with their peers or controllers depending on the type and use, i.e., home systems, industrial systems, or online services. Most of them are connected wirelessly. The data gathering takes place in data centers or cloud services. In an enterprise or industrial system, there are intermittent controllers (computers, servers called edge computing) that analyze the gathered data before sending them to storage and further analysis. They do so to prevent small problems from getting bigger (reduce latency detection) and crash the system. Imagine a supply chain where one machine presents a flaw and could shut down production if not taken care of early. The applications are many and can become unlimited with the evolution of AI systems. Home devices and assistants, wearables, fitness, transportation, medical applications, industrial production, utilities, defense, etc. IoT devices use different standards and protocols to communicate with their peers, presenting a lack of standardization, no software updates, and many security flaws.

internet of things seo services, get to the top 10

The way we connect with the world around us is being drastically changed by the Internet of Things (IoT), which is a powerful force. The Internet of Things is a network of linked objects that are equipped with software, sensors, and other technologies that allow them to collect and transmit data easily. This network of connected devices is transforming a wide range of industries, including healthcare, agriculture, transportation, and more. It includes commonplace items like wearable technology and domestic appliances as well as sophisticated industrial machinery.

Connectivity, or the capacity for autonomous device-to-device communication and cooperation, is at the core of the Internet of Things. Numerous communication protocols, such as Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, Zigbee, and cellular networks, enable this connectivity and enable real-time data transmission and reception between devices. IoT devices can monitor their surroundings, evaluate data, and respond intelligently thanks to this seamless connectivity, which improves productivity, efficiency, and convenience in a variety of fields.

The extensive use of IoT comes with several issues and constraints, despite its promise for transformation. Among the most pressing issues are those related to data security and privacy, since the growing number of networked devices raises the possibility of cyberattacks and unwanted access. Interoperability problems across various IoT platforms and devices continue to be a major obstacle that prevents smooth integration and cooperation across various ecosystems.

Future predictions suggest that the Internet of Things will increase exponentially, with developments in edge computing, artificial intelligence, and 5G connectivity likely to hasten the spread of the technology. The Internet of Things (IoT) offers practically endless potential for innovation and growth, from connected factories and intelligent homes to autonomous vehicles and smart cities.

In summary, the Internet of Things heralds in a new era of unparalleled connectedness, efficiency, and invention and marks a paradigm shift in how we interact with technology. One thing is certain as we work through the difficulties and complexities of this digital revolution: the Internet of Things has the revolutionary potential to change the world in ways we can only begin to comprehend.

Image by macrovector on Freepik

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