Roofing SEO

SEO for Roofing Companies

How do homeowners find your roofing repair business? Do they find you from searching online or because they saw your ad? If you are running Google Ads, are you aware that 9 out of 10 people skip the ads or use ad blockersOrganic results done with SEO perform better, and they are cheaper than inefficient ads. When you enjoy traffic from organic search, it is many times superior to paid advertising.

You might have heard that it takes a long time to rank a page. Not true, when I have full control over my work, I can rank a page within minutes when I’m dealing with an established website. It is only with those very competitive terms to rank for that it can take weeks. I will make sure you have a place in Google Top 10, Google Maps, and optionally in YouTube video search (if you don’t have a YouTube presence, I can create videos for you).

Roofing SEO

Roofing contractors found online

Share your project details, webpage, and service area. I will then design a plan for ranking your roofing business in the shortest timeframe. To outrank the competition in your area, I will need to fix any website problems that SEO has. After running an audit and fixing possible issues, I research opportunities to outrank the local competitors. We agree on the keywords to promote, and I start with some serious content optimization. My content improvements can make a significant difference in your page-one rankings. An additional factor is that most competitors don’t invest in SEO, or their professionals do have not enough skills to push optimization to its limits. Go ahead and grab the opportunity now.

Local SEO for Roofing Contractors

Local SEO and Google Maps are how customers in your area can find your business. Homeowners looking to repair their roofs and get an estimate are searching for local roofing contractors. The results he gets are organic listings and Google Maps listings. Your page should be very fast on mobile phones and PCs to have the possibility of reaching more people. I will boost your site speed and make it 100% mobile-friendly. A fast website with optimized content is the best foundation for achieving the top search results.

EN - Main Form

When to Expect Results

How fast you get results depends on the intensity of the SEO work and your page’s distance from the first page. Typically, it takes from 1 to 6 months to reach page one (local results). Pages that are a few clicks away from Google page one may require a few weeks. Also, to get fast results, you need the right budget. Use the form on this page to ask for specifics. Other factors that affect rankings are i) low competition, ii) website/server free from technical SEO issues, iii), and proximity to page one.

Roofing topics

We could work on topics people search online to get more leads. For example:

  • What are the types of roofs?
  • How much does it cost to put on a new roof?
  • Which material is best for a roof?
  • What roofing material lasts the longest?
  • What is a good quality roofing shingle?
  • How to estimate roofing costs.
  • How to find the size of a roof.
  • Who is the best roofing contractor?
  • How much does it cost to replace a roof?
  • How to re-shingle a roof.
  • Where to find commercial roofing companies.
  • Where to find a certified roofing contractor.
  • Who does emergency roof repairs?
  • How to repair a flat roof.
  • Which are the best local roofing companies?
  • How to repair the metal roof after hail damage.
  • How to fix roof leaking.
  • How to replace a tile roof.
  • How to fix wind damage to a roof.


roofing seo