What Is The Traffic Growth Rate Formula?

The method for calculating traffic growth rate is used to determine the increase of traffic—or the number of visitors to a website over a given time. Usually, it is described as an increase in percentage.

The following equation can be used to determine the traffic growth rate:

Traffic Growth Rate=Traffic at the Beginning of the Period – Traffic at the End of the Period / Traffic at the Beginning of the Period​ x 100%

For instance, the traffic growth rate for a website with 10,000 visitors at the start of the year and 15,000 visitors at the end of the year would be:

Traffic Growth Rate = 15,000 (now) -10,000 (start of the year) = 5,000 (difference) x 100 / 10,000 (the original traffic) x 100% = 50% increase.

The Traffic Growth Rate Formula

Traffic Growth Rate = 15,000 (now) -10,000 (start of the year) = 5,000 (difference) x 100 / 10,000 (the original traffic) x 100% = 50% increase.


“Traffic at the End of the Period” refers to the number of users, clients, or visitors at the conclusion of the given time frame.

“Traffic at the Beginning of the Period” refers to the quantity of users, clients, or visitors at the start of the same time frame.

The growth rate is then expressed as a percentage by multiplying the result by 100 and then subtracting the initial traffic figure from the final traffic figure.

For instance, the traffic growth rate for a website with 10,000 visitors at the start of the year and 15,000 visitors at the end of the year would be:

The Traffic Growth Rate Formula

Traffic Growth Rate = 15,000 (now) -10,000 (start of the year) = 5,000 (difference) x 100 / 10,000 (the original traffic) x 100% = 50% increase.

Therefore, this website’s annual traffic growth rate is 50%. This indicates that at that time, the website’s traffic climbed by 50%.

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