How to grow your email list


The greater your subscriber base,
the more options you will have to book services offer products,
and earn money through affiliate connections and display adverts.

Email lists are used by both large and small businesses to deliver newsletters, promotional offers, and updates to their consumers or members.

People can join an email list by entering their email address and agreeing to receive messages from the sender. This is known as opting in or subscribing.

Why You Should Grow Your Email List

Over time, your email list will gradually lose subscribers. People unsubscribe from your list, change their email addresses, or leave to sign up with other companies. A subscriber who does not open your emails is as bad as not having one at all. To maintain your email marketing ROI, you must obtain new email signups to compensate for those who depart.

It is critical to keep building your email subscriber list. The greater your subscriber base, the more options you will have to book services, offer products and earn money through affiliate connections and display adverts. Your email subscription list is one of your company’s most significant assets.

Use pop-up email signup forms

Email popups are a proven method of growing your list. They offer incredible results, which is why they’ve become the industry standard for turning visitors into email subscribers. Adding popups to a website typically doubles its email opt-in rate overnight.

SME loan example

For gathering email addresses from website visitors, Optin Cat is the best list-building software.

You have complete control over when and how your popups appear. Among the rules are:

  • Display devices (mobile/desktop).
  • After a delay, display the popup.
  • After the user scrolls down, show a popup.
  • Popup Exit Intervention.
  • Display a popup on particular pages, posts, categories, or tags, among other things.

This video explains everything you need to convert blog visitors into email subscribers. And you can set it up in just 2 minutes. Click here.

Include a Newsletter Signup CTA on Your Social Media Platforms

If you currently use social media for business, inviting your social media followers to join your email subscriber list is a breeze.

Simply add the link to your social media networks once your email signup page is complete. Most platforms feature a section where you can share a webpage. Put your landing page URL in that field, and you’re done.

In your email signature, include a link to your signup form

Your signature appears at the bottom of every email. This is an excellent time to promote your email list signup form. If you already have a landing page for your social media accounts, just use the same address here.

Offer a Lead Magnet

A lead magnet is a piece of valuable content that draws email subscribers. This is an excellent method for expanding your email list because it adds value to your audience and motivates them to sign up.

To properly use a lead magnet, you need to define what your target audience wants or needs. This could range from a free eBook to a discount, a template or cheat sheet, or an informative video.

Create a landing page on your website that describes the benefits of your lead magnet and includes a signup form where visitors can input their email addresses.

Your lead magnet can be promoted on your website, social media accounts, and email marketing campaigns. You may build your email list with new subscribers who are interested in what you have to offer by using a lead magnet.

Hold Educational Webinars

Webinars are a powerful strategy for growing your email list and engaging with your target audience. They are a wonderful way to interact with potential consumers, give valuable content, and collect contact information.

To create a successful webinar, make sure you have a clear purpose, choose a topic that is relevant to your target audience, promote the webinar to your target audience, and give excellent content throughout the presentation. Additionally, following the webinar, you should follow up with registrants to assist in creating a relationship with them and boost the likelihood of turning them into paying clients.

Make Newsletter Signups Available Throughout Your Website

Signup forms and other list-building CTAs can be included in the following places:

  • homepage
  • sidebar
  • high-traffic blog articles
  • floating bar at the top or bottom of a page

Publish guest blogs or newsletters

Collaboration with other businesses on content marketing that helps both of you is another approach to growing your email list for free.


The greater your subscriber base,
the more options you will have to book services offer products,
and earn money through affiliate connections and display adverts.