Instead of Chasing Her, Do "THIS"...

There is one thing you can do to keep a lady interested in you, seeking you, and wanting to be your girlfriend... (Even when other guys are in the picture).

And even if you're older than she is or lack the basic qualities women look for in a man...

In fact, you'll find it disguised in practically every movie, television show, and romance novel aimed at women, because they know how addicting this is for a woman...

Because if this ONE THING is missing...

Regardless of how much she seems to like you, how witty you are, or how many things you have in common...

She'll almost never feel the spark, and stopping her from "pulling away" will feel impossible...

It's a secret psychology technique concealed within romance novels that almost any guy can use, and it has a girl essentially programmed to fall in love...

Do you have any idea what it is? Not one in a hundred men is aware of it...

Most guys believe that if you want to attract a female and have her chase you, you must be an indifferent jerk or play games...

But if you do this ONE THING...

All her reservations about you go, she quits playing games, and you can get her to say yes, take things forward, and make her your girlfriend without all the effort...

This is based on genuine female psychology and is incredibly effective...

So, before you view the video below. Be advised…

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Example #1: Jake and Emma

Let's make up a fictional character named Jake to represent a guy who believes the woman he wants is "pulling away":

Jake is a charming and gregarious young man who has formed deep affections for Emma, a close friend. They've known one other for years, and Jake has just begun to see Emma in a new light. He can't stop thinking about her, and he finds himself falling further in love with her.

However, Jake has seen a change in Emma's conduct in recent weeks. She appears to be more aloof and unavailable for their typical hangouts. Her messages to him have gotten shorter and less frequent. Jake begins to feel uncomfortable and concerned that he will lose her.

He attempts to figure out what went wrong or whether he did something to make her leave. Jake is unsure whether he should confront her about it or allow her more room to process her emotions.

Jake grows increasingly anxious and unable to concentrate on other elements of his life as the days pass. He is continually studying their previous interactions, looking for signs as to why Emma is "pulling away."

Jake resolves to handle the situation by having an open and honest chat with Emma. He conveys his concern and tells her how important she is to him. He's curious if there's anything bothering her or if he done something to irritate her.

Emma discloses throughout the talk that she has been struggling with some personal issues recently, which is why she has been aloof. She didn't want to burden Jake with her troubles, so she handled them alone.

Jake pays close attention and assures Emma that he loves for her and wants to help her through this difficult period. He assures her that he will be there for her no matter what, and that he understands that everyone experiences ups and downs in life.

Jake and Emma can reconnect by having an open and understanding dialogue and addressing any misunderstandings that may have contributed to Emma's initial "pulling away." They both realize the value of communicating and being supportive of one another in their relationship.


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