YouTube Monetization

Instant Access to the Tube Mastery Mastermind Group

So you can strategize and get help from previous students and help from Matt Par himself.

List Of 100+ YouTube Profitable Niches + Example Channels (value: $397)

To make sure you choose the absolute best niche or make sure that you have already chosen a good niche, we give you a list of over 100 different profitable niches AND profitable example channels in many of those niches than you can clone for yourself.

List Of 239+ Example YouTube Channels

(VALUE: $297)

Found every niche channel under the sun and included them in this mega list of example niche channels for you to reference to see what’s working on YouTube and model it for yourself.

Fill-in-the-blank Video Script Templates (value: $297)

to help you systematize your videos. This will make outsourcing your content easier down the line as well as making video scripts yourself a breeze. You will get both personal brand channel AND list channel templates.

Tube Channel Case Studies (Value: $97)

Get access to a whole other course which shows a ton of channel case studies in different niches to help you decide which niche you should choose.

Included in the course:

  • Step-By-Step Checklist (Value: $97)
  • ​List of 239 Example Channels (Value $297)
  • ​Private Facebook Group (Value: Priceless)
  • ​​Video Ideas Template (Value: $27)
  • ​​Script Templates for Video Creation (Value: $297)
  • ​​Video Creation Assembly Line Template (Value: $997)
  • ​​YouTube Gear List (Value: $97)
  • ​​List of Stock Footage, Music, Photos (Value: $297)
  • ​​Fair Use Checklist (Value: $497)
  • ​​Video Optimization Checklist (Value: $979)
  • ​​List of Affiliate Programs (Value: $997)
  • ​​List of Places to Hire People From (Value: $97)
  • ​​Script and Job Post Templates for Hiring (Value: $997)
  • ​​How Much to Pay For Video Creation Cheatsheet (Value: $497)
  • ​​Recommended Software and Tools (Value: $97)
  • ​​Personal Brand Secrets (Value: $997)
  • ​​Doing This From a Phone (Value: $97)
  • ​​Business and Taxes (Value: $297)
  • ​​Tube Channel Case Studies (Value: $97)
  • ​​Tube FAQ Course (Value: $297)
  • ​​Tube Secrets Course (Value: $97)
