1hr Consultation (Speed, SEO, Website/Server issues)

$ 100,00


Website Speed

  1. Server optimization/caching
  2. CSS/JS merging/deferring. Unused CSS.
  3. Fonts served locally and pre-loaded so they are not render-blocking.
  4. Images (lossless compression).
  5. Defer external scripts i.e. Facebook, Analytics, Google Ads, chat widgets, tracking scripts.
  6. Database clean up and connection errors.
  7. SSL certificates.
  8. Site security after malware injection, hacking.
  9. Choosing a reliable host.

SEO (on-site/off-site)

Seasoned SEO Expert; Certified by Google in Digital Marketing; Certified by the University of California, Davis in SEO;

13 yrs experience on Big Data and eCommerce stores (as SEO Manager, in a global team of just 2 people for WesternUnion.com Fortune 500 Co., hired by its Bank branch: Western Union International Bank GmbH in Vienna, Austria, where I was responsible for 90+ regional sites in Europe, Middle-East and Africa). ===My last achievement: ranked a 14K/mo keyword phrase in a very competitive Australian niche in the top 10. I take on SEO clients by invitation only or after prior working relationship ===

Google Search Console Errors: Fast Google Indexation, Sitemaps, Spam Backlinks, Speed, Structured Data, Layout errors, etc.

Website Issues

PHP/CSS/JS, Page builders, Speed optimization, Server Issues, SSL Security Certificates, Redirects, Mobile responsive sites, Analytics, Schema Markup, Sales Funnels.

Server Issues

Server optimization/caching, Server CPU/Memory consumption debugging, VPS/Shared servers setup, Server Email and DNS setup.

16K ranked key-phrase in the Australia top 10


16K ranked key-phrase in the Australia top 10

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